Articles by category: Interactive Webinars

Interactive Webinars

Designing Interactive Meetings & Webinars

Designing Interactive Meetings & Webinars

As facilitators and trainers working primarily in the virtual world with tools like Microsoft® Teams, Webex, and Zoom, we have noticed that the one-way nature of most meetings, webinars and web conferences misses an opportunity to engage an audience and draw on the wisdom of the group as well as the knowledge of the presenter, guest speaker, or trainer.


About FacilitatePro

FacilitatePro LogoFacilitatePro is a cloud based or self hosted application that helps groups brainstorm and evaluate ideas, from any device, anywhere, anytime. Ideas you can implement. Decisions that have buy-in. FacilitatePro collects and distills your rain of ideas into the highest quality, clearest output possible to make your brainstorm effective and productive.

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FacilitatePro allows union members and management representatives to brainstorm key issues anonymously, so that the best ideas surface without any social or political inhibitors. With Facilitatepro we are able to bring the two sides of the table together, in a conference room or over the internet. The result is a common action plan to promote job and business growth.
Jim Reid
High Performance Work Organization Partnerships, IAMAW