Strategic Planning
Expanding Higher Education's offerings: Luther College
Combining a state of the art facility, FacilitatePro software and skilled facilitators, Luther College’s Round Table Services provides group facilitation services to assist in strategic planning, problem solving, assessment, policy-making, and consensus building. Its mission is to provide a collaborative environment for the college as well as the business and not for profit community.
Strategic Planning - Charting Your Course: Electrogrid Corporation
FacilitatePro helps eliminate the static from strategic planning. Electrogrid, a pseudonym for the public benefit corporation charged with managing a large state's electrical power grid, used software and services to overcome difficult organizational dynamics, enabling them to implement a successful strategic planning process and create a dynamic strategic plan to meet the challenges of maintaining the state's vital infrastructure.
About FacilitatePro
FacilitatePro is a cloud based or self hosted application that helps groups brainstorm and evaluate ideas, from any device, anywhere, anytime. Ideas you can implement. Decisions that have buy-in. FacilitatePro collects and distills your rain of ideas into the highest quality, clearest output possible to make your brainstorm effective and productive.
The experts helped us make a fast start. They listened to our requirements, advised us on implementation options and strategies and worked with us to get everything up and running in record time.Nancy Fadel
Veterans Health Administration