Blog - Page 3


Getting Great Results from Virtual Meetings

Getting Great Results from Virtual Meetings

Remote teams are a workplace reality. In a recent survey, over 75% of respondents said that they meet remotely at least twice a month. While convenient and cost effective, these virtual meetings can easily go off-track.


Virtual Brainstorming: A New Approach to Creative Thinking

Virtual Brainstorming: A New Approach to Creative Thinking

You've got a very short time to come up with some great new ideas to turn the business around. Fortunately, you have access to some of the most creative minds in your company from dozens of locations around the world.


Selecting the Right Collaboration Platform for Public Engagement in Health

Selecting the Right Collaboration Platform for Public Engagement in Health

Health research and service provision are two of the most important and costly components of modern life. But they are fraught with profound ethical and priority setting issues which complicate decisions about what research and services are in the overall public good. It is critical that citizens be allowed to participate in these decisions.


6 Ways to Make Pre-Work Compelling

6 Ways to Make Pre-Work Compelling

Most facilitators and team leaders see the value of assigning some sort of pre-work before a virtual meeting and bemoan the fact that only a small fraction of the participants take this request seriously and complete their assignments.


Question Circle Process

Question Circle Process

Objectives and Context:
1. To hear different perspectives from a panel of experts
2. To engage conference participants in lively discussion of issues and approaches
3. To leave with a sense of community - that together we are grappling with the important issues and seeing possible solutions to our most difficult challenges
4. To capture the ideas emerging from the group as part of the conference documentation


Bringing Strategic Planning Online

Bringing Strategic Planning Online

Strategic planning is the process that organizations use to establish their visions of the future and develop the strategies to secure those visions. The basic steps of the process are to:
1) Understand the current environment
2) Establish the vision of the future
3) Identify paths, or strategies, to get there


Designing Interactive Meetings & Webinars

Designing Interactive Meetings & Webinars

As facilitators and trainers working primarily in the virtual world with tools like Microsoft® Teams, Webex, and Zoom, we have noticed that the one-way nature of most meetings, webinars and web conferences misses an opportunity to engage an audience and draw on the wisdom of the group as well as the knowledge of the presenter, guest speaker, or trainer.


Large Group Collaboration: U.S. Department of Defense

Large Group Collaboration: U.S. Department of Defense

Large and small scale military “discovery” experiments and wargames conducted by several branches of the Department of Defense are bringing together key decision makers and subject matter experts from around the globe to develop the concepts, doctrine, and training that will form the U.S. Military of the 21st century and beyond. Looking for new ways to structure an experiment that fosters innovation as well as critical thinking, these military organizations selected FacilitatePro to enable large scale collaboration and concept development.


Transforming Dispute Mediation Through Technology: FMCS

Transforming Dispute Mediation Through Technology: FMCS

In labor-management negotiations throughout the country, laptop computers linked to powerful servers allow negotiators to instantly capture ideas on FacilitatePro's virtual flipcharts, build on those ideas and rank – using the group’s own criteria– various options to achieve real consensus. “For collective bargaining, dispute mediation and conflict resolution," says FMCS Director Peter J. Hurtgen, "technology tools are the wave of the future.


Expanding Higher Education's offerings: Luther College

Expanding Higher Education's offerings: Luther College

Combining a state of the art facility, FacilitatePro software and skilled facilitators, Luther College’s Round Table Services provides group facilitation services to assist in strategic planning, problem solving, assessment, policy-making, and consensus building. Its mission is to provide a collaborative environment for the college as well as the business and not for profit community.


About FacilitatePro

FacilitatePro LogoFacilitatePro is a cloud based or self hosted application that helps groups brainstorm and evaluate ideas, from any device, anywhere, anytime. Ideas you can implement. Decisions that have buy-in. FacilitatePro collects and distills your rain of ideas into the highest quality, clearest output possible to make your brainstorm effective and productive.

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As we launch our International Center for Dispute Resolution, we look to to give us expert guidance on how to integrate the technology into our methodology and practices as well as train us to get the best results out of its use. We consider the people at to be a key element of our success
Tony Belak, Director
International Center for Dispute Resolution, Sullivan University