World Cafe


World Cafe

World Cafe

About Us

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The World Café (TWC)

Using seven design principles and a simple method, the World Café is a powerful social technology for engaging people in conversations that matter, offering an effective antidote to the fast-paced fragmentation and lack of connection in today’s world. Based on the understanding that conversation is the core process that drives personal, business, and organizational life, the World Café is more than a method, a process, or technique – it’s a way of thinking and being together sourced in a philosophy of conversational leadership.

The World Café Community Foundation (TWCCF)

As a 501 (c) 3, the mission of The World Café Community Foundation is to transform the world for the benefit of all Life through convening and supporting collaborative conversation world-wide. The Foundation is responsible for ensuring the ongoing accessibility, integrity, vitality, and evolution of the World Café as a vehicle for social innovation and positive change. This website is a publication of the World Café Community Foundation.

“It's never enough just to tell people about some new insight. Rather, you have to get them to experience it in a way that evokes its power and possibility. Instead of pouring knowledge into people's heads, you need to help them grind a new set of eyeglasses so they can see the world in a new way.”

˜ John Seeley Brown

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About FacilitatePro

FacilitatePro LogoFacilitatePro is a cloud based or self hosted application that helps groups brainstorm and evaluate ideas, from any device, anywhere, anytime. Ideas you can implement. Decisions that have buy-in. FacilitatePro collects and distills your rain of ideas into the highest quality, clearest output possible to make your brainstorm effective and productive.

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The experts helped us make a fast start. They listened to our requirements, advised us on implementation options and strategies and worked with us to get everything up and running in record time.
Nancy Fadel
Veterans Health Administration

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Why FacilitatePro?

  • Generate Better Ideas
  • Make Well-Informed Decisions
  • Solve Problems
  • Boost Productivity
  • Avoid Meeting Logjams
  • Decision Acceptance and Support
  • Approach Problems with Objectivity
  • Optimize Documentation
  • Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device